
Who is Fiore Immo?

Fiore Immo is a real estate agency born thanks to the initiative of an Italian family who believed in and invested in the Luxembourg real estate market in the belief of being able to provide professionalism, honesty, integrity and maximum quality in the service offered to clients.

Our staff have been recruited from a variety of backgrounds to bring to the agency complementary working methods and a professionalism that will enable us to celebrate ten years in business in 2024.

Each client is treated as ‘unique’ and their project is built ‘tailor-made’ for them.
If you need an estate agency that has your best interests at heart, contact us!

Doretta Fiorentin and her team

fioreimmo doretta fiorentin 2

Doretta Fiorentin : « I feel responsible for my employees, they count on me. »

Femmes Magazine

fioreimmo doretta fiorentin

Doretta Fiorentin : « This is a very masculine world. »


fioreimmo immobiliare

Real estate : « crisis, prospects and a "not very pink" environment. »


doretta fiorentin

Fiore Immo celebrates its 10th anniversary

Janette Magazine

10 years of Fiore


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The fragrant elegance of
Parfum de Fiore

Our collection of home fragrances captures the essence of the art of perfumery. With a rose base, each fragrance is a work of art in a bottle. Whether you choose diffusers, sprays or candles, each Parfum de Fiore product transforms rooms into places of beauty and character. Find out more and be inspired.

parfum fiore


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Come and meet the staff of FioreImmo

doretta fiorentin

Doretta Fiorentin

Nationality: Italian
Education: Accounting degree

Spoken languages: Italian – French – English – German – Luxembourgish in apprenticeship

Strengths: very strong character, a fighter, reliable.

Weaknesses: very strong character, has the courage to always say what she thinks, sometimes puts her trust in people who don’t deserve it.

Professional experience :

  • 1992 – 2009: bank employee and manager with various positions in human resources, organisation, administration and audit.
  • 2010 – 2013: training and apprenticeship in various real estate agencies in Luxembourg.
  • Since 2014: owner-manager of the Fiore Immo real estate agency.

Anissa Tenafer

Nationality: French

Education: Baccalauréat professional sales

Spoken languages: French – English

Strengths: serious, straightforward and discreet, reliable and optimistic.

Weaknesses: stubborn and distrustful.

Professional experience :

  • 2012 – 2017 : Sales representative in Luxembourg ;
  • 2017 – 2019 : Training and apprenticeship at Fiore Immo real estate agency;
  • Since 2019: Commercial representative at Fiore Immo real estate agency.
anissa tenafer
emily paton

Emily Iona Paton

Nationality: Italian

Education: Degree in Psychology

Spoken languages: English – Italian – French

Strengths: Organised, reliable, very kind.

Weaknesses: reserved, distrustful.

Professional experience :

  • 2018: Internship at Intesa Sanpaolo Holding International;
  • 2021-2023: Training and apprenticeship at FIORE IMMO real estate agency.


What are our clients saying about us

Luxembourg Gare -Location
Réactivité, suivi du dossier.
Howald – Vente
Fiables, précis, professionnels.
Howald - Location
Professional work.
Luxembourg Beggen – Vente
Doretta is very professional and she knows the market very well. She is very coordinate, and she is able to communicate with customer promptly. Plus, she is able to offer advice to the customers.
Luxembourg Centre – Location
I am very happy to announce that your team and you have acted very professionally for the rental of my flat, from A to Z. I believe you deserve your commission with the excellent services you render to both parties, tenants, and landlord.
Luxembourg Weimerskirch – Location
Nous avons été très satisfait de votre agence dans les démarches très actives pour la mise en location de notre maison et le suivi. Cela couvre en premier lieu votre personne, mais aussi vos collaboratrices.

Let's get in touch

Contact us now for detailed information on available properties and personalised advice. Don’t miss this opportunity, your dream home could be just a stone’s throw away.

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